الاسم باللغة العربية كاملاً كما في الهوية الوطنية:صالح عبد العزيز صالح على

الاسم باللغة الإنجليزية كاملاً كما في الهوية الوطنية: Saleh Abdelaziz Saleh Ali

الجنسية: مصري

العمر: 48

الدولة والمدينة المقيم بها الآن: مصر

جميع مجالات التدريب التي يعمل بها:ِ هندسة كهربائية و الصيانة الكهربية و التحكم

أسماء الدورات (الكورسات) التي قام بتدريبها:

  • Induction motor (theory of operation, selection, connection, maintenance (greasing, change bearing, rewinding and troubleshooting). (UAE COUNTRY)
  • UPS and DC system (battery chargers and inverters, UPS) preventive maintenance and trouble shooting.
  • UPS and DC system (battery chargers and inverters, UPS) preventive maintenance and trouble shooting.Earthing and lightning system design and maintenance
  • Motor control center MCC (selection, installation, internal component, trouble shooting).
  • VSD and VFD (Variable Speed and frequency Drives) (theory of operation, maintenance, protection and troubleshooting) manufacturer (Siemens, ABB, CENTERLIFT, BORTES, .Etc.).
  • Power electronics and DC system (batteries, battery chargers and inverters, UPS) preventive maintenance and trouble shooting.
  • Basic and advanced power protection system of electric network.
  • Basics of electricity and power station operation course.
  • UPS and DC system (battery chargers and inverters, UPS) preventive maintenance and trouble shooting.
  • Synchronous generator (theory of operation, maintenance, protection and troubleshooting).
  • Excitation system AVR AUT. Voltage regulator (theory of operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting).
  • Power transformer (types, installation, protections and troubleshooting).
  • PMS power management system for load sharing and shedding system.
  • Power cable construction, testing and repairing.
  • Switchgear and circuit breakers maintenance.
  • Practical troubleshooting session for different motor control circuits

شهادات حصل عليها في مجال التدريب:

  • TMT Technical Master Training
  • TOT Training Of Trainer